About Us

Jesse Kuhlman, Owner

“To change the electrical industry through innovation and doing it differently, to the benefit of the customers and employees”

Why run an electrical company like this one? For me, It’s an easy one to answer. I learned electrical from my father Gary, so that part is easy. If my father had been a plumber, I’m sure this would be Kuhlman Plumbing instead.

The real question here is why run a business at all? It doesn’t matter what kind of business, all business’ share many similarities such as long hours, challenges, ups and downs, and lot’s of stress!
When I first took over the company we (Gary and I) had one employee. I couldn’t help but wonder what was holding us back from growing? Was this it? How were other companies doing it? Did they know something we didn’t?

I realized growing the company was not impossible, but totally attainable, I mean other companies did it, right? The real question was, am I capable of running a larger company, say 15 employees or more? Easy answer, a definitive NO.

When I thought about the prospect of having a larger company, what really excited me was the challenge. Staying the size we were in early 2014 would have been pretty easy, but where is the fun in that? I knew that to grow the company I would need to change, I would need to learn so much about business, people, advertising, websites, leadership, financing and endless other things. Growing the company would force me to step outside my own comfort zone and grow with it.


In those early days, it was mainly the challenge that motivated me. I loved learning new things, figuring out better ways to do things. As time went on, the challenge was surpassed by the people around me and my true mission became evident.

First my employees. To give my employees an opportunity to grow professionally and personally. To help them to do things in this life they never thought possible. That’s what it’s all about. If Kuhlman Electric stayed the same size it was in 2014, I would not have had the pleasure to meet and learn from so many past and present employees. How they have all opened my eyes to life’s possibilities.

Second our customers. To deliver an exceptional experience. From the moment they call our office, visit our website, send us an email, to the free in home estimate or the detailed estimates received we strive to provide top notch installation and a great attitude of every employee they meet along way. Finally, the no questions asked warranty we offer and the follow up phone call to ensure everything is satisfactory!

Here at Kuhlman Electric we believe we are really doing it differently than our competition.